Basic Curriculum
VieSID Colombia
Since 2016, VieSID Colombia brings to the American continent the concept of Prof. Rudolf Slavicek on Functional Occlusion.
Introducing a revolutionary way of diagnosis and a logical concept on Dynamic Functional Occlusion.
Demistifying TemporoMandibular Dysfunction (TMD), resulting in realistic treatment.
Orthodontics or Prosthodontics (or both together) are invaluable to treat these patients.
Our Education Program is the same as in the VieSID headquarters in Vienna.
The students, upon completion of the courses, will receive the official diploma from VieSID®, presented in Vienna and Colombia.
Moreover, after completion of the Basic Curriculum course in Colombia, the students have the oportunity to access any advanced course in Vienna.
The Basic Curriculum is designed in particular for dentists and dental technicians who are looking for a comprehensive and well founded further education.
The course contents focuses on aspects, functions and dysfunctions of the craniofacial system, based on the theses of Prof. Rudolf Slavicek's Vienna School of Interdisciplinary Dentistry (VieSID).
In 3 modules of 5 days each, the students receive advanced and detailed instruction in various aspects of functions and dysfunctions of the craniofacial and masticatory system, including manual competence and confidence in the various possible treatment measures.
The Curriculum is designed with a strong focus on practical lessons for transferring the theory into practice.
Supported by a team of lecturers at the forefront of their fields, every attendee will carry out diagnostic work-up, documentation and case planning for a number of their own patients’ cases.