Profesores - CMO Education - VieSID Colombia

Education in Occlusion Medicine
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Conferencistas principales

Dra. Alejandra Londoño, DDS, MSc
Bogotá, Colombia

Docente y miembro de VieSID internacional
Miembro del comité científico de VieSID internacional
MSc: Maestría del Departmento de Prostodoncia. Medical University of Vienna, Viena, Austria
Postgrado: Orthodontics in Craniomandibular dysfunction. Vienna School of Interdisciplinary Dentistry, Viena, Austria
Postgrado: Function and Dysfunction of the Masticatory Organ. Danube University, Krems, Austria
Investigador Internacional: Kanagawa Dental University, Yokosuka, Japón
Especialización: Ortodoncia. Universidad Militar. Fundación CIEO, Bogotá, Colombia
Pregrado: Odontología.  Universidad Autónoma de  Manizales, Manizales, Colombia

Dr. Miguel Assis, DDS, MSc
Lisboa, Portugal

Docente y miembro de VieSID internacional
Miembro del comité científico de VieSID internacional
MSc: Maestría del Departmento de Prostodoncia. Medical University of Viena, Viena, Austria
Postgrado: Orthodontics in Craniomandibular dysfunction. Vienna School of Interdisciplinary Dentistry, Viena, Austria y Kanagawa Dental University, Japón
Postgrado: Function and Dysfunction of the Masticatory Organ. Vienna School of Interdisciplinary Dentistry, Viena, Austria
Especialización: Ortodoncia. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, España
Pregrado: Odontología. Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde, Caparica, Portugal

Conferencistas Invitados (cursos VieSID Colombia)

Dr. Liliana Camargo Cruz, DDS
Medellín, Colombia

In Office of Functional Diagnostics. CranioMandibular Orthodontics, Bogotá, Colombia. 2016, 2018.
Mini-Marathon Course in Functional Orthodontics. CranioMandibular Orthodontics, Medellín, Colombia. 2016, 2017, 2018.
VieSID Basic Curriculum. Gnathology and Occlusion in Interdisciplinary Dentistry. Bogotá, Colombia. 2016 – 2017.
University teacher. Specialisation in Orthodontics (2009) and Faculty of Dentistry (2008). CES University, Medellín, Colombia. Current.
Orthodontics. CES University, Medellín, Colombia. 2007.
Dentist. CES University, Medellín, Colombia. 1998.

Técnica dental Miwa Hanashima, MSc
Kanagawa, Japan

School of Dental Technology, Kanagawa Dental College, Japan (1996-1998)
Kanagawa Orthodontic Association, Yokosuka, Kanagawa (1998-2009)
Sakakibara Dental Lab., Tokyo (1998-2008)
Research assistant, Bio-venture research of advanced technology for craniomandibular function, Kanagawa Dental College (2000-2005)
BSI Zahntechnik, Guntrumsdorf, Austria (2002)
Master degree of Dental Science(M.Sc.), Danube University, Krems, Austria (2004)
Organ Dental Lab. Chigasaki, Kanagawa (2008-2009)
Canini Dentallabor, Bonn, Germany (2009-2010)
Schmidtke Dentaltechnik, Alfter, Germany (2010- )
Teaching staff, VieSID, Austria (2011- )

Técnico Dental Stephan Provencher, DT/DTG
Montreal, Canada

Graduated in 1981 from Edouard-Montpetit College dental technology program, Stéphan Provencher joined its faculty in 1985 and is still teaching and responsible for the coordination of the department. Since 1992 he has run a boutique dental lab with a main focus on comprehensive and functional dentistry rehab cases.
Now a member of the Slavicek Foundation scientific community and the Dental Technicians' Guild he lectures internationally, conducts workshops for dental technicians and dentists involved in interdisciplinary dentistry on how to produce highly functional prosthetics using both analog and digital communication tools.

Dra. Diana Badreddin, DDS, MSc
Novocherkassk, Russia

Graduation in 2006 Kuban State Medical University, Russia
Working as general dentist since 2006
Master of Science in Dental Science, Krems, Austria 2008-2010
Postgraduate program in Orthognatology, Turin University, Italy 2011-2013
Certified academic clinical expert in functions and dysfunctions of masticatory organ
Expert in orthodontics in craniofacial dysfunctions
PhD program Vienna University, Austria 2013-current

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